Uitstekend geschikt voor een gerelaxt, natuurlijke, geperst en gekleurd haar. Beschermt, herstelt, repareert en herbouwt broos, beschadigd haar voor gezondere haargroei. Versterkt met Pro-Growth Complex – een diep indringende mix van natuurlijke mineralen, oliën en eiwitten. MegaGrowth versterkt het haar van binnen naar buiten om sterker, langer en gezonder haar te bevorderen.
Toont alle 22 resultaten
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The first anti-damage therapeutic no-lye relaxer and color restorative system that helps prevent breakage, split-ends and dryness while providing hair with beautiful color highlights. This kit contains everything you need for beautifully relaxed hair. The cutting-edge therapeutic no-lye relaxer technology helps prevent hair and scalp damage with perfectly pre-measured touch-up applications for greater safety and …
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The first anti-damage therapeutic no-lye relaxer and color restorative system that helps prevent breakage, split-ends and dryness while providing hair with beautiful color highlights. This kit contains everything you need for beautifully relaxed hair. The cutting-edge therapeutic no-lye relaxer technology helps prevent hair and scalp damage with perfectly pre-measured touch-up applications for greater safety and …
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The first anti-damage therapeutic no-lye relaxer and color restorative system that helps prevent breakage, split-ends and dryness while providing hair with beautiful color highlights. This kit contains everything you need for beautifully relaxed hair. The cutting-edge therapeutic no-lye relaxer technology helps prevent hair and scalp damage with perfectly pre-measured touch-up applications for greater safety and …
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The first anti-damage therapeutic no-lye relaxer and color restorative system that helps prevent breakage, split-ends and dryness while providing hair with beautiful color highlights. This kit contains everything you need for beautifully relaxed hair. The cutting-edge therapeutic no-lye relaxer technology helps prevent hair and scalp damage with perfectly pre-measured touch-up applications for greater safety and …
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The first anti-damage therapeutic no-lye relaxer and color restorative system that helps prevent breakage, split-ends and dryness while providing hair with beautiful color highlights. This kit contains everything you need for beautifully relaxed hair. The cutting-edge therapeutic no-lye relaxer technology helps prevent hair and scalp damage with perfectly pre-measured touch-up applications for greater safety and …